DIL Technology Day 2024
Two Days of Powerful Food Technology
11-12 June 2024
09:00 am
The DIL Technology Day gives you the opportunity to learn more about state-of-the-art Food Technologies which helps you get a competitive edge. Make your company more successful with the knowledge of the latest developments in the area of Food Biotechnology, Automation, Ingredients and Processing. Meet leading food science experts, decision-makers and managers to grow your network.
By the beginning of 2024, we proudly presenting inspirational speakers from science and industry. Be excited...
The presentations will be held either in German or English. In both cases there will be
simultaneous translation.
09:00 - Check-In & Registration
10:00 - Grand Opening: Dr.-Ing. Volker Heinz, Director DIL
10:15 - Keynote: Timo Recker, CEO & Co-Founder TINDLE GmbH
Creating a sustainabale food system - Industrializing new technologies from lab to mass
scale up.
10:45 - Keynote: Prof. em. Dr. Hannelore Daniel, Technical University Munich
New Food systems: Chances, changes, circumstances
Networking, Exhibitions & Demonstrations
12:00 - Lunch
13:00 - Session 1: Automation
Jens Schröder, Head of Automation at DIL
Automation technology for food industry - How robotics, machine vision and AI are creating
new opportunities
Dr. Henning Müller, Senior Researcher at DFKI and Chairman at Agrotech Valley Forum e. V.:
Automation and AI in food processing
Bastian Kaes, Brand Qualitätsfleisch GmbH & Co. KG and Jörg Brezl, CEO SLA Software Logistik Artland GmbH
Artificial Intelligence is changing the food industry. The practical example of Brand
14:00 - Coffee Break
Networking, Exhibitions & Demonstrations
15:00 - Session 2: Food Biotech
Herman Sloot, VP Commercial Development at Calysta Germany GmbH
Alternative Proteins in two Acts
Dr. Wolfgang Kühnl, The Cultivated B GmbH (InFamily Foods Holding GmbH & Co. KG)
The integrated protein strategy - from sausage manufacturer to product and technology
provider for protein markets of the future!
16:00 - Session 3: Ingredients
Dr. Alain Graf, Senior Manager BENEO Innovation Cell at Südzucker AG
Functional Proteins: Crafting Sustainable Solutions for Textured Plant-based Alternatives
Britta Kieselbach, Regional Application Manager EMEA at Oterra A/S
The eye eats with you - significance for technical realisation
17:00 - Company Visits
Visit the HPP Center by thyssenkrupp Uhde or the PEF Application Center by ELEA.
18:30 - Dinner at Artlandkotten
Appetizer talk Food and the Future with Prof. em Dr. Hannelore Daniel, Prof. Dr. Nick Lin-Hi
and Dr.-Ing Volker Heinz
09:00 - Entry
9:30 - Session 4: Processing
Jasmin Vollrath, Revos Innovation Centre Manager at Alfa Laval:
Beer Concentration - The Sustainable Future of beer distribution
Dr. Gudrun Steinhage and Johannes Martin, Team Lead Dry Milling Food at NETZSCH and Dr.-Ing Tomas Kurz, Co-Founder ProteinDistillery:
Rheological characterization, protein shifting and cell disruption
PROTEINDISTILLERY for industrial usage of brewers spent yeast as source for functional protein ingredients
Michael Hampf, Three-Tec GmbH
Maximum precision for complex dosing tasks and extrusion processes in the food industry
Networking, Exhibitions & Demonstrations
12:00 - BBQ-Lunch
13:00 - Panel-Talk on Eco Labeling
Stefanie Sabet, Federation of German Food & Drink Industry (BVE)
Cliona Howie, Foundation Earth
Dr. Birgit Schulze-Ehlers, Göttingen University
14:00: Breakout-Session: Extrusion & Insect Farm Visit
Live Demonstration of Production Scale Extrusion
Option to visit the Insect Farm of Julius Grosse-Macke in Addrup.
16:00 END

Dr. Stefan Töpfl
CEO, Elea Technology GmbH
“I was impressed by the DIL Technology Day - an excellent platform for networking and dialogue for Elea as a technology provider. The discussions about common challenges were particularly valuable. An ideal place to initiate joint projects. We will be back in 2024"

Winfried Hartwig
Industry Manager Alternative Proteins, Albert
Handtmann Maschinenfabrik GmbH und Co. KG.
"The DIL Technology Day was an inspiring experience. The expert presentations from industry, science and the start-up scene provided valuable insights into the latest technology trends. As a participant, I was particularly impressed by the diversity of topics, from alternative proteins to AI and sustainable technologies. The opportunity to network and exchange ideas with leading experts was hugely valuable. In short, an excellently organised event that provided knowledge, inspiration and valuable contacts."

Ansgar Rinklake
Market Manager Food Central Europe,
Air Liquide
“Die Teilnahme am DIL Technology Day ist eine hervorragende Gelegenheit, Branchenexperten aus allen Bereichen der Wertschöpfungskette zu treffen. Zudem bietet sie eine sehr gute Plattform, um unsere neuesten Produktinnovationen einem interessierten Publikum vorzustellen!”

About the DIL
Who are we?
The DIL Deutsches Institut für Lebensmitteltechnik e. V. (German Institute of Food Technologies) is a non-university research institute of food science in Germany. Over the last three decades, an internationally active institute with more than 200 experts in food technology and food sciences has developed in Quakenbrück, Lower-Saxony. The DIL operates as a research institute in the fields of food safety and authenticity, structure and process engineering, and sustainability.